General Education Reviewer (A)

 To all BOARD TAKERS: "Do it now, sometimes later becomes never"

Direction: Choose the letter of correct answer. 

1. Is it true that one of the passengers _______ killed?

      a. is

      b. are

      c. was

      d. were

2. Protein and fats ______ the great dietary need in India?

      a. is

      b. are 

      c. was

      d. were 

3. Few in this school ______ about Jessica's boyfriend.

      a. know 

      b. knows

      c. knew

      d. knews

4.   Each of the balloons ______ scientific instruments.

      a. carry

      b. carries

      c. carried

      d. carrier

5.   Neither of the drivers ________ hurt in the accident.

      a. is

      b. are

      c. was

      d. were

6.   Most of the television programs _____ boring.

      a. is

      b. are

      c. was

      d. were

7.  When _______ you at the doctor's office?

      a. is

      b. are

      c. was

      d. were

8.  Which one is the correct spelling?

      a. indorsment

      b. indorsement

      c. endorsment

      d. endorsement

9.   Kath hurt _________ when she was slicing the onions.

      a. myself

      b. himself

      c. herself

      d. ourselves

10. Daniel lives ___________ Ipil Street.

      a. in

      b. on

      c. at

      d. to

11. What of figure of speech is: "His lips as soft as rose petals."

       a. Metaphor

       b. Simile

       c. Paradox

       d. Oxymoron

12. Composed of 31 syllables, 5 lines with love and nature as the topic.

       a. Sonnet

       b. Tanka

       c. Limerick

       d. Haiku

13. He is  Father of English Drama and also known as the "Bard of Avon".

       a. William Shakespeare

       b. Geoffrey Chaucer

       c. Francis Bacon

       d. William Wordsworth

14. What figure of speech is: "This hear, I mutter, melts the very bones."

       a. Irony

       b. Hyperbole

       c. Metonymy

       d. Paradox

15. What time _______ to be at the station tomorrow?

       a. we do have

       b. do we have

       c. we have

       d. do we had

16. Which sentence has a similar meaning to "You don't have to fill in this form"?

       a. You  must not fill in this form

       b. You don't have to correct form

       c. Its necessary to fill in this form

       d. Don't filling this form

17. I ______ leave at half past three.

       a. must to

       b. have to 

       c. has to

       d. had to

18. Dina ______ work non Saturday.

       a. not have to

       b. doesn't have to

       c. Hasn't to

       d. Haven't to

19. Which of the following is an antonym of the word Comrade?

       a. Cohort

       b. Crony

       c. Sidekick

       d. Nemesis 

20. Which of the following is an antonym of the word Malfeasance?

       a. Misdeameanor

       b. Offense

       c. Delinquency

       d. Lawfullness

23. Which of the following is the synonym of word Retort?

       a. Plead

       b. Retaliate

       c. Request

       d. Question

25. Clue words such as “on the other hand” and “however” suggest the

       a. cause and effect pattern.

       b. comparison and contrast pattern.

       c. listing pattern.

       d. time sequence pattern

26. The author of the poem "A Poison Tree"?

      a. William Shakespeare

      b. William Blake

      c. Nick Joaquin

      d. Ophelia Dimalanta

27. If you forgot ____ textbook you can use _____ John.

       a. yours, ours

       b. your, mine

       c. his, hers

       d. our, hers

28. The collection of Indian Sacred text?

      a. Upanishad

      b. Upasinad

      c. Upanisad

      d. Upanasid

29. Let us campaign for the total ban ____ of harmful insecticides.

     a. on the use

     b. on using

     c. with the use

     d. with using

30. Mary has not forgotten that she was betrayed by her best friend and carried such __________ in her deeply offended heart for a long time.

     a. rancor

     b. souvenir

     c. doubt

     d. offense

31. "We listened to a loquacious speaker." The word LOQUACIOUS means ________?

     a. quiet 

     b. verbose

     c. simple 

     d. lousy

32. Of the following statements, the one that expresses an opinion is:

       a. The Soviet Union does its own research on space weapons developed by the United States.

       b. The incidence of poverty in the United States is higher among minority ethnic groups than among the general population.

       c. The world would be in utter chaos without religion.

       d. Hostages often express sympathy and compassion for their captors.

33. The author of Anabel Lee, The Raven, The Cask of Amontillado, The Fall of House of Usher and also known as the Father of Horror stories?

      a. Ophelia Dimalanta

      b. Edgar Allan Poe

      c. De Maupassant

      d. Nick Joaquin

34. Even when her friends betray her, Perla bears no rancor in her heart because she is not

     a. embarrassed 

     b. bitter

     c. consoled 

     d. insulted

35. Clue words such as “in addition,” “another,” and “finally” suggest the 

       a. definition pattern.

       b. listing pattern.

       c. cause and effect pattern.

       d. comparison and contrast pattern.

36.  Specialized vocabulary refers to

       a. everyday words when used in a textbook.

       b. the unique words and phrases used in a particular subject.

       c. unfamiliar words in a textbook.

       d. your instructor’s language.

37. The foremost French shorty story writer?

       a. De Maupassant

       b. William Blake

       c. Geoffrey Chaucer

       d. William Shakespeare

38. What emotion or feeling is expressed in the following lines?

To be, or not to be, that is the question whether'

tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and

arrows of outrageous Fortune, or to take arms

against a Sea of Troubles, and by opposing end them?

     a. sadness 

     b. joy

     c. anger 

     d. indecision

39. He is the blacksheep of the family is an example of a?

       a. Simile

       b. Metaphor 

       c. Alliteration

       d. Hyperbole

40. Who is Quijano de Manila in Philippine Literature?

     a. Jose Palma

     b. Jose Villa

     c. Nick Joaquin 

     d.  Joaquin Abas

For more LET REVIEWERS: Tser C Channel and Teacher Rockie


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