Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers (PPST)

Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers (PPST)

PPST started its implementation in August of 2017 through DepEd Order No. 42 signed by Secretary Leonor M. Briones. DO No. 42 emphasized that the PPST shall be used as a basis for all learning and development programs for teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to effectively implement the Kto12 Programs.

PPST was built on NCBTS. It articulates what constitutes teacher quality in the Kto12 Reform through well-defined domains, strands and indicators that provide measure of professional learning, competent practice and effective engagement.

PPST consist of 7 domains collectively comprise 37 strand that refer to more specific dimensions of teacher practices:

I. Domain 1 - Content Knowledge and Pedagogy (composed of seven strands)

a. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas

b. Research-based knowledge and principle of teaching and learning

c. Positive use of ICT

d. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy

e. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills

f. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning

g. Classroom communication strategies

II. Domain 2 - Learning Environment (composed of six strands)

a. Learner safety and security

b. Fair learning environment

c. Management of classroom structure and activities

d. Support for learner participation

e. Promotion of purposive learning

f. Management of learner behavior

III. Domain 3 - Diversity of Learners (composed of five strands)

a. Learner's gender, needs, strength, interests and experiences

b. Learner's linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic and religious backgrounds

c. Learner with disabilities, giftedness and talents

d. Learners in difficult circumstances

e. Learners from indigenous groups

IV. Domain 4 - Curriculum and Planning (composed of five strands)

a. Planning and management of teaching and learning process

b. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies

c. Relevance and responsiveness of kearneing programs

d. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice

e. Teaching and learning resources including ICT

V. Domain 5 - Assessment and Reporting (composed of five strands)

a. Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies

b. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement

c. Feedback to improve learning

d. Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders

e. Use of assessment data to enhance and learning practice and programs

VI. Domain 6 - Community Linkages and Professional Engagement (composed of four strands)

a. Establishment of learning envienvironments that are responsive to community context

b. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process

c. Professional ethics

d. School policies and procedures

VII. Domain 7 - Personal Growth and Personal Development ( composed of five strands)

a. Philosophy of teaching

b. Dignity of teaching as a profession

c. Professional all links with colleagues

d. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice

e. Professional developments goals

PPST Career Stages:

Career Stage 1 - Beginning Teachers - gained the qualifications recognized for entry into teaching profession.

Career Stage 2 - Proficient Teachers - professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching and learning process.

Career Stage 3 - Highly Proficient Teachers - consistently display a high level performance in their teaching practice. 

Career Stage 4 - Distinguished Teachers - embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in global best practices.


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